专业销售ARMOR-FLO METER 流量计麻花星空mv免费播放 曹 507533684欢迎前来询价公司旗下贰欧洲备件采购网*叁零服务:零起订量+零中间环节+*=内专业的欧洲备件采购服务!
公司旗下贰欧洲备件采购网*叁零服务:零起订量+零中间环节+*=内专业的欧洲备件采购服务!专业销售ARMOR-FLO METER 流量计
3600 Armor-Flo meter with Signal Output
Here is a combination of signal transmission with independent mechanical local flow rate indication. Should your 24vdc loop go down, you will still be able to take flow rate readings at the meter.
The output signal is linear within the middle 80% of the range and well suited for tracking utility applications. A response curve is furnished with each flowmeter. Transmitter signal options include:
4-20 mA two wire loop powered
4-20 mA with concurrent 0-1000H frequency output
4-20 mA with two adjustable set points
Applications include valve modulation, remote metering, sub-metering, blending and totaliing. Use with ERDCO accessory displays for remote indication or totaliing.
Quick Overview
Description: Flow rate meter with transmitter
Applications: Liquids or gases
Functions: Direct reading flow rate, 4-20mA output, Frequency output
Features: General purpose meter, Opaque fluids OK, Calibrated for application conditions
Materials: Aluminum, brass, 316 sst, or (Haste alloy 1/2-1″)
Pressure Limits: 200 psig 1/2 – 12″, 400 psig 1/2 – 6″, 1000 psig 1/2 – 1″
Temperature Limits: 400ºF rating requires epm or viton o-ring
Pipe Sies: 1/2″-12″